MarS wallet is downloadable at ONEstore

2 min readJun 16, 2020


MarS is an innovative Digital Asset Wallet by TrustVerse. MarS wallet allows you to manage digital asset smartly and securely. We build the trust by delivering SIMPLE, FAST, and SECURE transactions with this wallet.

MarS V.2.0.0 is ready for use and it has been updated at ONEstore following its recent version update at Google Play Store and Samsung Galaxy Store.

MarS wallet at ONEstore, mind the language in Korean.

MarS has been integrated to provide an interface for linking with Samsung Blockchain Keystore. You can easily check your digital asset managed by your Samsung Blockchain Wallet at a glance. MarS is registered and downloadable from the mobile application (App) market, ONEstore, jointly operated by three mobile carriers in Republic of Korea (e.g., SKT, KT and LGU+).

Click to access ONEstore MarS App downloadable page

The newly announced service, MasterKey — Digital Wallet Recovery Service, is integrated to MarS wallet to support secure management of your digital asset.

Following our recent disclosure on the partnership with KOSCOM, we are in the settlement process for global partnership which will be announced shortly. For the further information, please visit the MasterKey website.

This wallet is intended to provide a smart digital financial life by expanding its functionality. TrustVerse and MarSDigital Asset Wallet service focus on offering trusted digital finance applications that protects and manages digital asset class and tokenization of asset (e.g., tangible and intangible).

In order to use MarS V.2.0.0, you need to update your mobile device with Android 8.0 or higher. Mind that ONEstore is only recommended for users who are residing in Korea.

Thank you.




Written by TrustVerse

Universe of trusted digital asset service applications on blockchain

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